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The Genius' Guide To Feeding Your Fundraiser With Food Suppliers

It's just as delicious as it sounds. Fundraisers are an excellent time to hire food suppliers. I would know, since I've been raising funds for not only my children, but my grandchildren. My name is Shane Miller and I have had many long and successful school fundraisers where I would break records year after year. My secret: food. Finding a way to introduce gourmet food into your school fundraiser from a food supplier can really boost the turnout. But you have to know what food to order, how to keep the food fresh and many other tricks that I will share with you on my website!



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The Genius' Guide To Feeding Your Fundraiser With Food Suppliers

Baking With Natural Sweeteners: 3 Things You Need To Know

by Dolores Fletcher

A diet laden with refined white sugar can lead to serious health problems, but many people don't want to give up baked goods in order to eliminate unhealthy sugars from their lives. Fortunately, you can rely on natural sweeteners to help you replace sugar when baking in order to make your treats a little healthier.

Baking with natural sweeteners requires a few alterations, and here are three things that you need to keep in mind to ensure your naturally-sweetened baked goods turn out correctly in the future.

1. Make sure your ingredients are at room temperature.

In order for your baked treats to turn out properly, you need to ensure that the ingredients fully combine with one another. Some natural sweeteners (like coconut oil) may seize when they are combined with cool ingredients, compromising the quality of your baked goods.

Be sure that your eggs, applesauce, milk, and any other cool ingredients your recipe may call for sit out on the counter and come to room temperature before you add a natural sweetener and combine them for baking.

2. Consider mixing natural sweeteners.

Many people enjoy the chewy and dense texture associated with many baked items. This delicious texture often comes as a result of refined white sugar caramelizing during the baking process.

Natural sweeteners like xylitol or date sugar melt a lot easier than refined white sugar, making it impossible for these sweeteners to caramelize while baking. Combining these easy-melt sweeteners with other natural sweeteners like coconut oil or honey will allow you to replicate the chewy and dense texture of your favorite baked treats without including any refined sugar in the recipe.

3. Reduce your baking times.

When you are replacing refined sugar with a natural sweetener in your baked goods, it's important to realize that you may not need to bake your goodies in the oven as long as you normally would.

Because many sweeteners melt easily, recipes containing these sweeteners will finish baking in a fraction of the time as their sugar-laden counterparts. Check your baked items sooner if you are using natural sweeteners to ensure they don't burn during baking.

Successful baking with natural sweeteners requires you to make some simple alterations to your recipes. Using ingredients that are room temperature, combining sweeteners when caramelization is required, and reducing your baking times will allow you to enjoy your favorite baked treats without increasing your sugar intake.

For more information on natural sweeteners, talk to companies like Monin.
